01.    Finding an EMPTY SPACE

Whether you like it or not; everything changes and the world around us is chaotic, weird, and incomprehensible. Yet, here we are! All breathing, reading artist statements, and sometimes even typing behind typewriters. 

Writing on a typewriter allowed me to create visual compositions in a completely different manner than I would on a computer. Other than being sensitive to mistakes and being time-expensive, the typewriter offers a grid where creation might be limited but therefore feels limitless. 

You type it, you see it, and it’s there on paper. It is the sounds of the keys, the rolling of the paper, and the rewinding of the sentence. The way you can softly press or SMASH IT IN. 

Finding an EMPTY SPACE in an overwhelming environment
Concrete Poetry 
Publication, 297 x 210 mm

02.    Future, sit down, be humble

In Between worrying about the future or about the past, this work was about trying to put the focus on the present moment, the here and now. ‘Maar laat die toekomst maar zitten’ can be
translated to either ‘Future, sit down be humble’ or ‘Just let the future be’. Although in dutch this sentence is expressed in a more sinister way where the speaker would express to ‘almost give up on the future’. The process of making this art piece was exhilarating, exhausting and a lot of fun. With the help of 15 agreeable individuals and the scenery of in total 14 locations the collection of ‘Future, sit down be humble’ is created. The process had a clear structure where after every new scene three of the small pieces in the Aluminum Blinds were removed creating a sight behind the blinds. The individual holding the blinds gave the piece another dimension where the statement of the piece got connected to the beholder of it.

Original Dutch title
‘Maar laat die toekomst maar zitten’
Aluminum Blinds, Acrylic Paint, Spray Paint
150 cm x 160 cm

03 .    Outspoken Manipulation

In many countries the basic human rights of the LGBTQ+ community are violated. Homosexuality, crossdressing or not acting straight is punishable and punishments vary from a felony, whipping or a life in prison. How can a powerful symbol such as a flag be manipulated in such a way that it acquires a new meaning? For instance, the national flag of a country x one on the many LGBTQ+ flags.

Outspoken Manipulation


Textile, Karton, Metal

Between 65 x 100 cm and 45 x 100 cm

04.    Just Moving

Just moving is a documentation of my brother moving houses. The video captures a day of the painting process where my brother was very busy and stressed. The questions asked in the video vary from reflective questions about the past, one of them being: ‘What do you take from the old house to the new house, and what do you leave behind’. To questions about his expectations of the future: ‘What do you think will be your favorite place in the new house?’. Only the voice of my brother is audible in the video.

Just Moving



03:37 min

05.    How many of y‘all ever been in love?

At the end of Lauryn Hill’s song ‘To Zion’ there is this skit of a teacher asking his students questions about love. Based on the interaction between the teacher and his students these posters were made. Visual styling of the typography was inspired by the work of flemish poet Paul van Ostaijen, who was known for his extraordinary approach of formalizing and ordering his poems.

How many of y‘all ever been in love?



29,7 x 42 cm

06.   Oblique Strategy Cards

Oblique Strategy Cards were originally created by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt. These cards promote creativity and were intended to help artists break creative blocks.  

Oblique Strategy Cards


Sixtysix Cards

14,8 x 10,5 cm

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